Big opportunities are opening for North Queensland to build on its international ties with Korea by supplying high-value battery precursor materials for electric vehicles
북 퀸즈랜드 (타운즈빌에 위치한 TEC) 프로젝트는 한국기업에 가치있는 전기차의 배터리의 양극재 원자재인 니켈과 코발트를 공급할수있는 큰 기회가 열였다.
One of the world’s largest EV battery makers, Korea’s LG Chem group, is investing in two of the region’s battery metals projects.
1 티어 회사인 엘지화학과 포스코사에서 타운즈빌에위치한 AUZ, QPM 차의 구매계약 체결 (Offtake)
Townsville already hosts the Korean-owned Sun Metals zinc refinery which is working to produce hydrogen, mostly for heavy vehicle transport.
타운즈빌에는 선메탈 (고려아연 자회사) 수소를 생산을 계획중이고 이는 큰 중장비 차량들에 공급될것이다
At stake is huge investments and thousands of jobs.
Earlier this year, the proponents of the $650m Townsville Energy Chemicals Hub project, Queensland Pacific Metals, announced supply agreements and equity stakes worth about $20m with LG Energy Solutions and Korean steel producer POSCO.
이번년도 초에는 "650m 캐피탈" 타운즈빌 에너지 케미컬 허브 프로젝트에 엘지와 포스코사에 20m 지분투자가 있었다.
Meanwhile, Australian Mines, which is proposing a $1.5b nickel mining and processing plant in Greenvale, has agreements with LG Energy Solutions to supply nickel and cobalt concentrates and, potentially, nickel-cobalt-manganese Precursor Cathode Active Materials favoured by EV car makers.
QPM CEO Stephen Grocott said electrification and, particularly, investments from Korea were opening the way to well paid, highly skilled jobs in Townsville.
QPM 한국의 투자는 타운즈빌의 기술직업을 가진분들에게 아주 좋은 일자리 창출의 기회라고 한다
He said their project, if it proceeded next year, would require 300 jobs, almost all professional, highly skilled, degree-qualified positions.
One of the reasons Townsville was such a good site was the availability of a skilled workforce and the presence of good universities, Mr Grocott said.
One downside is risk aversion in Australia.
가장 큰리스크는 호주내에서의 반대이다.
While QPM is hoping the federal government’s Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility and Export Finance Australia will provide loans, much of the funds needed for its project are expected to come from international banks and investors, particularly in Korea.
NAIF government’s Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility 정부 펀딩과 국제 은행 특히나 한국쪽에서 투자가 이루어질수있다고 한다.
“To me the biggest issues are risk aversion in Australia and the speed at which things get done,” Mr Grocott said.
호주에서 일처리속도가 굉장히 느린게 가장 큰이슈이고, 현재로써는 큰 프로젝트를 이행하는데 있어서 큰 이슈는 없어보인다.
Korean companies are supplying EV batteries to car makers around the world and are keen to diversify their supply of critical minerals which at present are sourced mostly from China.
중국으로 부터 원자재 조달 서플라이첸의 다각화를 이행하기위해서는 호주로부터 원자재 공급을 체결하는 방안은 불가피한 전략으로 보인다.
There is also concern about environmental damage in source countries like PNG and Indonesia.
The Australia-Korea Business Council has identified QPM’s TECH project among those which will broaden an already strong trading relationship with Korea.
PNG, 인도네시아의 환경 문제는 앞으로도 계획될것이고 지켜봐야할 상황이다. 그러한 측면에서는 QPM같은경우
공정자체가 친환경이기떄문에 투자하기에는 큰 매력이 있다.
It says Australia can be a reliable supplier of critical materials to allow Korea to move towards a lower carbon future, while Korea can help Australia unlock an additional annual income of $7.4bn and 34,700 jobs.